
Montenegro 2017

Based on the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, each member country is obliged to maintain a basic LPIS (Land Parcel Identification System) database through a geographic information system. These data are then used to uniquely identify agricultural plots and also represent an important element for verifying the data provided in applications for subsidies linked to agricultural land.

So, one of our main projects in 2017 consisted in aerial photography and the creation of an orthophotomap of the whole territory of Montenegro. The project was co-financed by the European Union (EuropeAid) in connection with the accession negotiations between Montenegro and the EU.

In spite of an initial delay caused by the lengthy process of acquiring air permits for flights over neighbouring territories and extremely bad weather (we had to wait for suitable conditions both in terms of cloudiness and due to a large fire in the south-east of the country that produced impervious smoke), we managed to take images of the entire territory of Montenegro in 20 cm per pixel.

The area of 14,473 km2 is covered by a total of 11,306 aerial photographs. The resulting orthophotomap was delivered in RGBI, 8 bit, individual aerial images in 16 bit. In addition to the classic map sheets, we also produced one resulting file in *.ecw format for the entire area being processed.


Montenegro 2017

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